EMUN Global Private Infrastructure
- The EMUN Global Private Infrastructure OPF ("GPI" or the "Fund") is a Private Infrastructure ("PI") investment fund. GPI targets investments in global funds with a focus on assets in the digital infrastructure (datacenters, telecom towers, fiber optic networks), energy (PV, wind, midstream) and transportation (highways, airports, ports) sectors. Due to its focus and risk profile, GPI can serve as a complement to a diversified portfolio of commercial real estate investments such as logistics, office or retail.
- The fund focuses on investment cooperation with respected global asset managers with many years of experience in private markets. GPI's investment activity includes the selection and monitoring of asset managers' performance and active portfolio management leading to optimized managerial, sector and strategic diversification within the available Private Infrastructure sub-strategies.
- GPI combines investments across the full spectrum of Private Infrastructure strategies and megatrends. Within its core investment themes (digital, energy, transportation), the Fund aims to create a balanced mix between Core/Core+ strategies (stabilized strategic assets with inflationary clauses and no technology risk), Value-add/Opportunistic (value-added projects such as development or distress) and Infrastructure Secondaries (discounted buyouts in third-party infrastructure funds). With its strategic asset mix, GPI targets performance above Core strategies with limited incremental risk.
- GPI is an evergreen open-ended structure with quarterly valuations and the ability to make ongoing subscriptions and redemptions. The fund provides access to large global institutional funds without the need to manage capital calls.
Fund classes
Fund information
Name | EMUN Global Private Infrastructure otevřený podílový fond |
Type | Fond kvalifikovaných investorů |
Fund Manager | EMUN investiční společnost, a.s. |
Administrator | EMUN investiční společnost, a.s. |
Depository | Československá obchodní banka, a.s. |
Auditor | Kreston A&CE Audit, s.r.o. |
Supervision | Česká národní banka |
Recommended holding time | 5 let |
Risk profile (SRI) | 3 ze 7 |
Key terms
Class name | USD |
Currency | USD |
Recommended minimum Investment | 500 tis. USD |
Liquidity | Čtvrtletní |
Management fee | 1,1 % |
Performance fee | 10 % ze zisku při hurdle rate 5% p.a., aplikováno při výstupu |
Entry fee up to 1 mil. USD | max. 2 % |
Entry fee more than 1 mil. USD | 0 % |
Exit fee |
20 % z hodnoty odkupu do 3 let od emise. 0 % po uplynutí 3 let od emise. |