EMUN Fixed Income
Investment strategy
- EMUN Fixed Income is an actively managed multi-strategy debt fund focused on credit and interest rate market opportunities. The fund dynamically combines debt segments by investing in individual bond issues as well as specialized credit strategies.
- The fund actively manages interest rate risk and portfolio duration to achieve positive returns derived from changes in interest rate conditions and the yield curve shifts. The composite credit rating of the portfolio is opportunistically managed, with a long-term target of lower investment grade.
- The fund is geographically diversified with a focus on CEE. Currency risk is generally hedged to the base currency CZK.
Historical performance
Fund performance
Fund capital value as of 31.1.2025 | 574 123 885 CZK |
Fund information
Name | EMUN Fixed Income Open-ended Mutual Fund |
Type | qualified investor fund |
Fund Manager | EMUN investiční společnost, a.s. |
Depository Bank | Československá obchodní banka, a.s. |
Regulator | Česká národní banka |
Auditor | Kreston A&CE Audit, s.r.o. |
Key terms class A
Fund Inception | 1. 10. 2022 |
Currency | CZK |
Recommended minimum Investment | 5 mil. CZK |
Liquidity | Monthly |
Management fee | 0,5 % |
Entry fee up to 25 mil. CZK (first investment) | 0,5 % |
Entry fee more them 25 mil. CZK (first investment) | 0 % |
Exit fee | 0 % |